It’s been a quiet month without a phone.

Jack, sleeping hard

Jack, sleeping hard

I never really thought I used my phone for all that much — just a few texts here and there, some email checking, and a little Candy Crush while waiting at the bus stop. But there’s so much more! I’ve only had a smartphone for a little over two years, and I’m amazed at how dependent I’ve become upon it.

Some of the things that I have missed:

  1. knowing the time (this has really driven me crazy all month!)
  2. using GoogleMaps to determine where I am
  3. using GoogleMaps to determine the bus schedule
  4. texting with far-away friends to stay in touch
  5. texting with local friends to let them know if I’m running late
  6. calling to make personal appointments without my coworker overhearing because I’m using my office phone
  7. setting reminders for myself instead of writing things on my hands / writing sticky notes
  8. looking up online recipes while grocery shopping to see if I need any additional ingredients
  9. listening to music
  10. taking pictures of Jack
  11. taking pictures of all the cute wild animals seen while walking around my neighborhood
  12. using RunKeeper to track what distance I’ve run / what my pace is
  13. taking pictures while on a run
photo 2

view of the south boulder creek trail while on a sunset run

But that will all soon change… tomorrow, my beautiful new phone arrives! And I will soon be able to share more precious moments, like these:
2014-09-18 16.28.37

2014-09-20 21.35.00

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