Almost two weeks in…

Since arriving in Boulder on 8/14, I’ve been exploring the places and spaces near work and home. I don’t have a car or a bike yet, so I’ve been walking (a ton!) and relying on the buses to get around. It’s been a bit of a challenge and adjustment — while I’m comfortable with walking, say, 2.5 miles to get somewhere, I’ve never before been in a situation where my only option is to walk 45 minutes (at least) to get to where I want to be. And then I still have to make the return trip back home…

On the plus side, the sidewalks and trails are well-kept and uncrowded, and I get to see views like this on my walk to work:

morning walk to work

It’s a pretty stark contrast to the view I’d get upon exiting my apartment in NYC:

NYC Broome Street

Most of the places I’ve been to so far in Boulder are very fun and exciting to me (Safeway! King Soopers!) but are probably not worth documenting with photos and text. What I do plan on writing about in the coming months are:

  • trails near me (I have a feeling I’ll be running the Bobolink on a regular basis)
  • hikes I’ve gone on
  • restaurants and cooking experiments
  • other thoughts and reflections on my new surroundings and life
  • JACK!
    derp face